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Friday, May 6, 2011

please read this post ! xmx

hiya all , i have to post about this project i just read about on stitch2buttercups hosted by Jamie

it is a great project and i am going to be doing my bit to take part , just read below for details and please repost if you can
thanks for stopping by

FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2011

Craft Hope Project 12 - Bracelets
Have you heard about Craft Hope? It's a project to bring crafters together to make items for those less fortunate. Project 12: Orphan Outreach is going on right now. The project is making bracelets for orphans in Russia. Something small to bring a smile to a child's face. Any kind of bracelet will do. The ages of the children that these bracelets will go to are 4-18. The deadline to have them sent in is June 15th, 2011. Here is the address:

Please mail completed bracelets to:
Carin Vogelzang
630 Griswold SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49507

Company Overview:
Craft Hope is a love inspired project designed to share handmade crafts with those less fortunate. It is our hope to combine our love for crafting and desire to help others into a project to make a difference around the world.
Craft Hope is run by Jade Sims from her home in the hill country just outside of Austin, Texas. While juggling three kids and a laptop, we are changing lives!
Spreading seeds of hope one stitch at a time.
I am going with simple and quick in hopes of making a bunch of these. I'm getting my kiddos involved with the bead bracelets. Threading pony beads onto stretchy cord. Quick and Easy. I'm also going to go back in time to junior high and make some Friendship Bracelets for the older ones.
Here are some links to great patterns/tutorials to give you some ideas, if you're looking for something a little different:
Jennifer at JCasa *handmade has a very cool pattern for the Mama Chic Wrist Cuff that can be adjusted to fit a child
They have instructions on making Friendship Bracelets at How To Make Jewelry
Tracy at the Make Bracelets Blog has me drooling over all of her delicious patterns


  1. WOW! What a great idea! It is such a great cause. I will surely keep it in mind! I don't make jewelry at all, but I do remember making friendship braclets! I'll check out the link and see if I can still do it!

  2. thanks daniella i have mailed you back xmx

  3. Wow that's a fabulous idea. I'll try get in on the action.

  4. Wow! This is for a good cause so I'll forward it to my friends. Thanks for linking this awesome post at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop. It's a great Mothers' Day present for me :)

  5. This is a wondeful idea...think I will try to get a few together myself, get my kids involved too. Alexis, my daughter loves to string beads.
    Kim @
    PS I'm a new follower! Thanks for following T&B

  6. What a great project! Its so good to give back.

  7. Glad you linked this up to my newbie party. I do not see my link or button though anywhere..perhaps I just did not see it. Thanks again.

  8. What a wonderful project and a great way for creative people to reach out. I'll definitely be making some bracelets with my girls to send out.

    Jenn/Rook No. 17

  9. Thanks for sharing this project with us. It's really special. And also thank you for the kind comment! I hope I can do the dresser the justice it deserves! :)


  10. Thanks for the answer to my binding thing problem!

  11. Great project! My boys would love to get involved with this one. :) ~d.

  12. Hi Margaret! I have a lot of "traffic" coming my way via your bloodspot...didn't know if you mentioned me somewhere on your blog. If you did, just want to say thanks! If its only you visiting...Yay, thanks for stopping by :)

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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